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clawing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clawed, past tense; clawed, past participle; claws, 3rd person singular present; clawing, present participle;
  1. (of an animal or person) Scratch or tear something with the claws or the fingernails
    • - the kitten was clawing at Lowell's trouser leg
    • - bitter jealousy clawed at her
    • - her hands clawed his shoulders
  2. Clutch at something with the hands
    • - his fingers clawed at the air
  3. Make one's way with difficulty by hauling oneself forward with one's hands
    • - he clawed his way over a pile of bricks
  4. Try desperately to move or remove something with the hands
    • - rescuers clawed away rubble with their bare hands
  5. (of a sailing ship) Beat to windward
    • - the ability to claw off a lee shore

  1. (clawed) having or resembling a claw or claws; often used as a combining form; "sharp-clawed"
  2. (clawed) (of predatory animals) armed with claws or talons
  3. Use of front points of crampons, ice axe pick and ice hammer pick to climb a slope.
  4. The downward curving of the butt portion of the shingle. This creates a hump along the leading edge and a widening of the cutout. The bulge thus created is susceptible to substantial damages by wind action, hail, and ice. ...