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clavichord 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clavichords, plural;
  1. A small, rectangular keyboard instrument producing a soft sound by means of metal blades attached to the ends of key levers that gently press the strings, popular from the early 15th to early 19th centuries

  1. an early stringed instrument like a piano but with more delicate sound
  2. The clavichord is a European stringed keyboard instrument known from the late Medieval, through the Renaissance, Baroque and Classical eras. Historically, it was widely used as a practice instrument and as an aid to composition, not being loud enough for larger performances. ...
  3. From Greek for "key", and "chord", a "string". A keyboard stringed musical instrument played by the tangent, or touch, action of small brass wedges striking the strings.
  4. (in  keyboard instrument (music): Principle of operation)
  5. An intmate and quiet-sounding stringed keyboard instrument in use from approximately 1500 until the early 1800's and again in recent years.
  6. a keyboard instrument, unlike the piano which uses hammers to strike the strings or the harpsichord that plucks the strings, the clavichord puts pressure on the strings from below - as a result the clavichord has a much softer tone
  7. a member of the hapsishord family with a very small voice.
  8. Stringed keyboard instrument popular in the Renaissance and Baroque that is capable of unique expressive devices not possible on the harpsichord.