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clause 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clauses, plural;
  1. A unit of grammatical organization next below the sentence in rank and in traditional grammar said to consist of a subject and predicate

  2. A particular and separate article, stipulation, or proviso in a treaty, bill, or contract

  1. (grammar) an expression including a subject and predicate but not constituting a complete sentence
  2. article: a separate section of a legal document (as a statute or contract or will)
  3. (clausal) of or relating to or functioning as a clause; "clausal structure"
  4. In grammar, a clause is a pair or group of words that consists of a subject and a predicate, although in some languages and some types of clauses the subject may not appear explicitly as a noun phrase. It may instead be marked on the verb (this is especially common in null subject languages). ...
  5. In logic, a clause is a disjunction of literals. In propositional logic, clauses are usually written as follows, where the symbols are literals: In some cases, clauses are written as sets of literals, so that clause above would be written as . ...
  6. this sense?) (grammar, informal) A group of two or more words which include a subject and any necessary predicate (the predicate also includes a verb, conjunction, or a preposition) to begin the clause; however, this clause is not considered a sentence for colloquial purposes; A verb along ...
  7. (claused) Having clauses
  8. (Clauses) Sections in your Will that deal with different aspects of your estate and add up to ensure your wishes are honoured
  9. (Clauses) The stipulations of a contract that describes the conditions under which the contract is concluded.
  10. (Clauses) a structural unit of language which is smaller than the sentence but larger than phrases or words, and which contains a finite verb
  11. (Clauses) are a group of words that contain a verb. They tell us about an action and the people or things involved.
  12. A section of a policy which deals with a particular subject, such as coinsurance clause.
  13. A term used to identify a particular part of a policy or endorsement.
  14. A provision or condition affecting the terms of a contract. Coinsurance, cancellation, and subrogation clauses are typical insurance contract clauses.
  15. Words in a policy which describe certain specifications, limitations or modifications.
  16. (n.) a sentence in formal logic. See also clausal logic.
  17. An article or added provision in a life insurance contract, such as a Suicide Clause.
  18. A group of words containing a subject and its verb (for example: It was late when he arrived).
  19. A section or paragraph in an insurance policy that explains, defines or clarifies the conditions of coverage.
  20. Any group of words containing a subject and predicate. An independent syntactic construction may constitute a whole simple sentence. A dependent clause marked by a subordinate conjunction forms part of another syntactic construction. ...
  21. On this website, a clause refers to the basic unit of a Regulation or a Bill. Each clause within a Regulation or Bill deals with a separate subject or idea and has its own number. When a Bill becomes an Act, its clauses are called sections. ...
  22. a clause has the attributes of a sentence but may occur within a sentence, for example a relative clause who played the alto within the sentence The man who played the alto was Charlie Parker.
  23. Part of a collective agreement or other document dealing with a particular subject. See Article.
  24. A division of a bill consisting of an individual sentence or statement. Once a bill becomes law, its clauses are referred to as sections.