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classmates 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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classmates, plural;
  1. A fellow member of a class at school or college

  2. A schoolmate

  1. (classmate) schoolmate: an acquaintance that you go to school with
  2. Classmates (2006) is a Malayalam film directed by Lal Jose and written by James Albert. Classmates, as the title suggests, is a campus-based film that revolves around a group of friends. ...
  3. (classmate) Someone who is in the same class (in school)
  4. (Classmate) n. Close friend. 'Stop being mean to Bob; he's my classmate.'
  5. A list of student names, e-mail addresses, homepage links, etc.
  6. This is a Franklin developed "super thesaurus" that classifies words into groups. For example, the Classmates for "fir" are "arborvitae, balsam, balsam fir, box, boxwood..." etc.
  7. The reader sees various classmates of Calvin, but other than Susie and Moe they are almost entirely anonymous. ...
  8. Directed by Yoshihiro Fukagawa