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classing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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classed, past tense; classed, past participle; classes, 3rd person singular present; classing, present participle;
  1. Assign or regard as belonging to a particular category
    • - conduct that is classed as criminal

  1. Wool classing is an occupation for which people are trained to produce uniform, predictable, low risk lines of wool. This is carried out by examining the characteristics of the wool in its raw state. ...
  2. (classer) One who classes or classifies; A member of a particular class
  3. Assigning value to groups of customers or prospects based on selected criteria.
  4. The grading and sorting of various qualities of fleece into a uniform group or line of fiber
  5. The process of describing cotton quality so that its value can be determined. (See also staple length, grade, colour)