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clashing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clashed, past participle; clashes, 3rd person singular present; clashing, present participle; clashed, past tense;
  1. Meet and come into violent conflict
    • - protesters demanding self-rule clashed with police
  2. Have a forceful disagreement
    • - Clarke has frequently clashed with his colleagues
  3. Be incompatible or at odds
    • - his thriftiness clashed with Ross's largesse
  4. (of colors) Appear discordant or ugly when placed close to each other
    • - suits in clashing colors
  5. Inconveniently occur at the same time
    • - the date of the wedding clashes with Sean's graduation
  6. Strike (cymbals) together, producing a loud discordant sound

  1. sharply and harshly discordant; "clashing interests of loggers and conservationists"; "clashing colors"