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clans, plural;
  1. A group of close-knit and interrelated families (esp. associated with families in the Scottish Highlands)

  2. A family, esp. a large one
    • - the Kennedy clan gathered for the celebration
  3. A group of people with a strong common interest
    • - New York's garrulous clan of artists
  4. A family or group of plants or animals
    • - the lily family is a clan noted for its spectacular springtime emergences

  1. (clan) kin: group of people related by blood or marriage
  2. In the BattleTech universe, Clans are fictional peoples.
  3. Clans is a German-style board game designed by Leo Colovini. The game centers around the creation of villages.
  4. A clan is a group of people united by actual or perceived kinship and descent. Even if actual lineage patterns are unknown, clan members may nonetheless recognize a founding member or apical ancestor. ...
  5. (Clan (car)) The Clan Crusader was a fibreglass monocoque British sports car based on running gear from the Hillman Imp Sport, including its Coventry Climax derived rear mounted 875 cc engine. ...
  6. (Clan (gaming)) In computer and video gaming, a clan or a guild is a group of players that play online games together. They may play against other clans via matches or challenges, also known as scrims (scrimmages) and wars. ...
  7. (Clan (World of Darkness)) In White Wolf Game Studio's role-playing games about vampires, a clan (often spelled Clan, in uppercase) is a group of vampires joined by blood relations (i.e. the vampiric equivalent of an extended family or lineage). ...
  8. (clan) A group of people all descended from a common ancestor, in fact or belief; A traditional social group of families in the Scottish Highlands having a common hereditary chieftain; Any association of people behaving clannishly; A group of players who habitually play on the same team in ...
  9. (Clan) a social unit in the Scottish Highlands, consisting of a number of families claiming a common ancestor and following the same hereditary leader
  10. (Clan) An organized group of people.
  11. (Clan) group of people from several lineages who live in one place and have a common line of descent; a kin grouping.
  12. (Clan) A group of agnates tracing descent from a common ancestor who may be mythical.
  13. (Clan) a group of players who team up to play in a multi-player game (usually a FPS game) against other groups; see also Guild
  14. (Clan) A group of players, who are playing under a Clan-Name. The Clan Name is often added to the players nicknames in brackets. A clan can contain from two to hundreds of players. Many clans have a set of rules that must be followed by its members.
  15. (Clan) A group of communities with a shared “ancestor” community (i.e. when a community becomes sufficiently large to split into two smaller communities, those communities are considered a clan)
  16. (Clan (Ku Klux) (Tom Swifty)) "Help me set fire to this cross," said Tom clannishly.
  17. (Clan) A deck built around a single clan. Most decks are one clan only (or one clan mainly), since it allows you to take advantage of the clan unique locations and other masters. A deck is called a clan deck when 75% or more vampires it its crypt are of the same clan.
  18. (Clan) A form of social and political organization in which the fundamental principle of solidarity is kinship. Clans typically constitute two or more kinship groups within a tribe. Clan organization is common among pastoral nomadic and stateless societies.
  19. (Clan) A group of vampires all descended from the same antediluvian, who generally share similar characteristics and powers. For more information, please see the Clan Page.
  20. (Clan) A group of vampires sharing certain mystical and physical attributes, as well as a theoretical common progenitor. ...
  21. (Clan) A group of vampires who share common characteristics passed on by the Blood. There are 13 known clans, all of which were reputedly founded by members of the Third Generation.
  22. (Clan) A kin group one or more generations larger than a family, and whose members are close in time and usually place.
  23. (Clan) A kinship defined (familial) and estate owning group. Such groups speak and own their own langauge and also own knowledge, objects, designs, paintings and songs associated with that clan estate. Clan descent is claimed from a common ancestor (in a similar fashion as the Scots). ...
  24. (Clan) A kinship group, sometimes an assortment of lineages, whether or not it can trace its descent back to a common ancestor.
  25. (Clan) A loose global association of vampires descending from one particular Antediluvian. Officially, there are thirteen clans, and they all have their own character, history, biases and common powers. ...