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clanged 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clanged, past participle; clanging, present participle; clanged, past tense; clangs, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Make or cause to make such a sound
    • - she turned the faucet on and the plumbing clanged
    • - the belfry still clangs its bell at 9 p.m.

  1. (clang) a loud resonant repeating noise; "he could hear the clang of distant bells"
  2. (clanging) clangorous: having a loud resonant metallic sound; "the clangorous locomotive works"; "a clanging gong"
  3. Clang (like the English word '''') is a compiler front end for the C, C++, and Objective-C programming languages. It uses the Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) as its back end. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). ...
  4. (Clang (photographer)) John Clang is a photographer/visual artist. He was born in Singapore in 1973, and lives and works in New York and Singapore. He is represented for assignment work by The Collective Shift. ...
  5. (Clanging) In psychology and psychiatry, clanging or clang association refers to a mode of speech and logical association to two or more words primarily based upon word sounds when no logical association between the words exists. ...
  6. (clang) A loud, ringing sound, like that made by free-hanging metal objects striking each other; Quality of tone; The cry of some birds, including the crane and the goose; To strike (objects) together so as to produce a clang; To give out a clang; to resound
  7. (Clang) Abnormal speech observed in schizophrenia during which the sound of a word influences the future choice of words more than does the context of the conversation. For example, a patient may say “You have nothing to gain. The pain comes from rain.”
  8. (Clang) cues or inferences within an item or with other items
  9. (Clanging) Occasional manifestation of thought disorder in schizophrenia, in which individuals rhyme sentences unnecessarily, such as "I feel better now, as I watch a cow".
  10. (clanging) In schizophrenia, the pairing of words that have no relation to one another beyond the fact that they rhyme or sound alike.