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clambering 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clambered, past tense; clambers, 3rd person singular present; clambered, past participle; clambering, present participle;
  1. Climb, move, or get in or out of something in an awkward and laborious way, typically using both hands and feet
    • - I clambered out of the trench

  1. (clamber) climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling
  2. (clamber) an awkward climb; "reaching the crest was a real clamber"
  3. (Clamber) Scrambling (also known as alpine scrambling) is a method of ascending rocky faces and ridges. It is an ambiguous term that lies somewhere between hillwalking and rock climbing. ...
  4. (clamber) To climb something with some difficulty, or in a haphazard fashion
  5. (Clamber) To attempt to extricate oneself from a particularly worrisome situation by clambering or deviously attempting to shift the emphasis elsewhere, for example by blaming your colleague when signing for an overpayment.
  6. (clamber) (v) örlеrgе, tırnaqlarģa
  7. vine climbing without support of tendrils or twining stems ie. Vanilla
  8. Describes a plant that sprawls or climbs but lacks tendrils.