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clairvoyant 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clairvoyantes, plural; clairvoyants, plural;
  1. Having or exhibiting such an ability
    • - he didn't tell me about it and I'm not clairvoyant
  1. A person who claims to have a supernatural ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact

  1. someone who has the power of clairvoyance
  2. perceiving things beyond the natural range of the senses
  3. foreseeing the future
  4. (clairvoyance) apparent power to perceive things that are not present to the senses
  5. The Clairvoyant (US title: The Evil Mind) is a 1934 drama film made in the UK, starring Claude Rains, Fay Wray, and Jane Baxter, and directed by Maurice Elvey. It was based on the novel of the same name by Ernst Lothar.
  6. "The Clairvoyant" was released in 1988 (see 1988 in music) by Iron Maiden. It is the band's nineteenth single and the third from their Seventh Son of a Seventh Son album. The single debuted at number six in the UK charts. ...
  7. The term clairvoyance (from 17th century French with clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision") is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses, a form of extra-sensory perception. ...
  8. (Clairvoyance (album)) Clairvoyance is the 1986 debut album by Screaming Trees, produced by Steve Fisk. Released on Velvetone Records, the album helped the band earn a contract with SST records. ...
  9. (Clairvoyantly) The faculty of perceiving things beyond normal sensory perception. Such as seeing visions while meditating.
  10. (Clairvoyants) meaning clear seeing. A psychic who uses their psychic sense of seeing things.
  11. (Clairvoyance) The paranormal ability to see psychic information, including historical or future events or other phenomena, that cannot be discerned naturally through the five material senses. Also called ESP.
  12. (Clairvoyance) To have lucid mental perceptions and keen insights about people and life situations and to have clear visual mental images, pictures, to "see" auras and other psychic phenomena.
  13. (Clairvoyance) To dream of being a clairvoyant and seeing yourself in the future, denotes signal changes in your present occupation, followed by a series of unhappy conflicts with designing people. To dream of visiting a clairvoyant, foretells unprosperous commercial states and unhappy unions.
  14. (Clairvoyance) A faculty of seeing with the inner eye or spiritual sight. As now used, it is a loose and flippant term, embracing under its meaning both a happy guess due to natural shrewdness or intuition, and also that faculty which was so remarkably exercised by Jacob Böhme and Swedenborg. ...
  15. (Clairvoyance) This term is often used as a catch-all phrase for psychic ability, but it really describes one’s inner vision. Clairvoyance is a French term which translates to ‘clear seeing. ...
  16. (Clairvoyance) Psychic ability to see mentally without using the eyes, beyond ordinary time and space limits; also called "Second Sight."
  17. (Clairvoyance) paranormal vision of objects, events, places, and people not visible through normal sight.
  18. (Clairvoyance) A general term that refers to the paranormal obtaining of information about an object or event. In modern usage, this does not necessarily refer to obtaining information visually. Cf. clairaudience, clairsentience, ESP, psi.
  19. (Clairvoyance) The perception of current objects, events or people that may not be discerned through the normal senses. The seeing may manifest in internal or external visions, or a sense of images.
  20. (Clairvoyance) An acute insight or perceptiveness that enables you to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses in the form of mental imagery and intuition. (See ESP).
  21. (Clairvoyance) Ability to see the unseen
  22. (clairvoyance) The gathering of information psychically through the senses.
  23. (clairvoyance) The psychic ability to see things beyond the range of the power of vision. Clairvoyance is usually associated with precognition or retrocognition.(cf. second sight)
  24. (Clairvoyance) French term meaning clear viewing, it is the ability to see images, spirits, events, etc. that are non-local (not physical). This includes seeing future events. Clairvoyance is one of the more common gifts applied to the craft of Tarot.
  25. (Clairvoyance) (clear seeing) – The ability to see visions, images, and still or moving objects or scenes on the inner screen of the mind. This also includes: seeing auras, Angels, apparitions, etc.