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civilizations 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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civilisations, plural; civilizations, plural;
  1. The stage of human social development and organization that is considered most advanced
    • - they equated the railroad with progress and civilization
  2. The process by which a society or place reaches this stage

  3. The society, culture, and way of life of a particular area
    • - the great books of Western civilization
    • - the early civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt
  4. The comfort and convenience of modern life, regarded as available only in towns and cities
    • - the fur traders moved further and further from civilization

  1. (civilization) a society in an advanced state of social development (e.g., with complex legal and political and religious organizations); "the people slowly progressed from barbarism to civilization"
  2. (civilization) culture: a particular society at a particular time and place; "early Mayan civilization"
  3. (civilization) refinement: the quality of excellence in thought and manners and taste; "a man of intellectual refinement"; "he is remembered for his generosity and civilization"
  4. Civilization (or civilisation) is a term used to describe specific stages of human social development and organization considered to be most advanced. The term is also used to refer to a human society that meets such requirements. ...
  5. (Civilization (album)) Civilization is an album by Vancouver industrial band Front Line Assembly, released in 2004. The album was produced by band founder Bill Leeb and returning member Rhys Fulber who had departed in 1996. ...
  6. (Civilization (board game)) Civilization is a board game designed by Francis Tresham, published in Britain in 1980 by Hartland Trefoil (later by Gibson Games), and in the US in 1981 by Avalon Hill. The game typically takes eight or more hours to play and is for two to seven players. ...
  7. (Civilization (film)) Civilization is a 1916 American pacifist allegorical film about a submarine commander who refuses to fire at a civilian ocean liner supposedly carrying ammunition for his country's enemies. ...
  8. (Civilization (song)) "Civilization" is a pop song. It was written by Bob Hilliard and Carl Sigman, published in 1947 and introduced in the 1947 Broadway musical, Angel in the Wings sung by Elaine Stritch.
  9. (Civilization (video game)) Sid Meier's Civilization is a turn-based strategy computer game created by Sid Meier for MicroProse in 1991. The game's objective is to " an empire to stand the test of time". ...
  10. (civilization) An ambiguous term often used to denote more complex societies but sometimes used by anthropologists to describe any group of people sharing a set of cultural traits. (p. 28)
  11. (civilization) an urbanized society with a large very complex social
  12. (CIVILIZATION) An economic engine built on ideas.
  13. (Civilization) (1) a coat of paint that washes away when the rain falls. (2) the time when men learn to live off one another instead of off the land.
  14. (Civilization) A culture with people who have settled in an area and worked together to build a society in which science, the arts, and a form of government are produced.
  15. (Civilization) A form of society based on cities as the centers of administration and the focus of social life, usually dependent on intensive agriculture in the surrounding countryside.
  16. (Civilization) Any culture characterized by growth, large numbers of people, and agriculture.
  17. (Civilization) In early evolutionary theory, it was considered to be the highest level of human social and cultural development. It was one of three stages, preceded by savagery and barbarism, and thought by Lewis Henry Morgan to have resulted from outbreeding.
  18. (Civilization) This game is a top pick for pretty much everyone. Sid Meier’s classic has always been at least partially about seeing the sprawling extent of your empire, and smaller screens like the iPhone haven’t quite done it justice. ...
  19. (Civilization) Today's stage of social development where production largely comes from modern industry. More
  20. (Civilization) Urban society, from the Latin for “city.”
  21. (Civilization) means the organization of a large group of persons to facilitate learning, justice, order, management (or acquisition) of resources, and mutual defense.
  22. (Civilization) n. The state of living where people abide in cities rather than roam planes, conferring a respect for the value of human life not found among savages.
  23. (Civilization) often uses religion to justify its actions, claiming for example that the uncivilized are savages, barbarians or the like, which should be subjugated by civilization.
  24. (Civilization) refers to a complex human society, in which people live in groups of settled dwellings comprising cities. Early civilizations developed in many parts of the world, primarily where there was adequate water available. ...
  25. (Civilization: ") the sum total of a society's spiritual, intellectual, ethical, and institutional values, which in varying degrees will permit those living in it to develop as completely and harmoniously as possible."  See What Is Civilization? ...