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civets, plural;
  1. A slender nocturnal carnivorous mammal with a barred and spotted coat and well-developed anal scent glands, native to Africa and Asia

  2. A strong musky perfume obtained from the secretions of the civet's scent glands

  3. The fur of the cacomistle

  1. cat-like mammal typically secreting musk used in perfumes
  2. Civets are small, lithe-bodied, mostly arboreal mammals native to the tropics of Africa and Asia. Civet may also refer to the distinctive musk produced by the animal.
  3. Civet is an all-girl punk rock band from Long Beach, California. The self-described “femme fatale punk rock” band made a breakthrough after signing with Hellcat Records and releasing their first album under this label with the title Hell Hath No Fury.
  4. CIVETS is an acronym for favored emerging markets coined in late 2009 by Robert Ward, Global Forecasting Director for the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) . The term has also been used by HSBC's chief executive Michael Geoghegan. ...
  5. A carnivorous catlike animal that produces a musky secretion. It is two to three feet long, with black bands and spots on the body and tail; The musky perfume produced by the animal
  6. (CIVETS) This is an acronym for “Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa”. Investors may think of this as a second-generation of emerging economies, as these countries generally have fast-rising and young populations, relatively well-established financial infrastructure, ...
  7. the African civet cat looks like a fox, and is related to the mongoose. Civet musk is produced by a gland at the base of the cat’s tail. Pure civet is said to have a strong, disagreeable odor, but in small quantities to add depth and warmth to a fragrance. ...
  8. a yellowish, fatty substance with a musklike scent, secreted by a gland near the genitals of the civet cat and used in making some perfumes. Here, John quotes Shakespeare's sarcastic use of the term to mean a sweet scent. Pure civet is foul-smelling.
  9. is a butter like secretion taken from a pouch in the glands under the tail of the civet cat, found in Ethiopia Burma and Thailand. This odor is used to impart a musky fragrance in perfumes.
  10. Stew or ragoût, usually of game with mushrooms, onions and bacon in red wine