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cirque 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cirques, plural;
  1. A half-open steep-sided hollow at the head of a valley or on a mountainside, formed by glacial erosion

  2. A ring, circlet, or circle

  1. a steep-walled semicircular basin in a mountain; may contain a lake
  2. A cirque (French for "circus") or corrie (from Scottish Gaelic coire meaning a "kettle") is an amphitheatre-like valley head, formed at the head of a valley glacier by erosion. ...
  3. Cirque is an album by ambient musician Biosphere, which was released in 2000.
  4. A curved depression in a mountainside with steep walls, forming the end of a valley; cwm
  5. (Cirques) Sometimes the weight of a glacier makes a part of the bedrock beneath it collapse, forming a basin known as a cirque. If the glacier melts, the cirque might become a lake.
  6. A steep-walled horseshoe-shaped recess high on a mountain that is formed by glacial erosion.
  7. armchair-shaped hollow in the mountainside formed by glacial erosion and freeze-thaw weathering. This is where the valley glacier begins.
  8. A deep, steep-walled mountain basin or amphitheater carved out of the mountain by an alpine glacier. Similar to a bowl but generally steeper.
  9. horseshoe-shaped basin at head of glacial valley, enclosed by high head and side walls, with low lip and smooth basin floor; often containing small lakes or glaciers today in alpine settings.
  10. Semicircular basin in an alpine landscape resulting from mountain glaciation. Progressive expansion of neighboring cirques results in the reduciton of the unglaciated slopes between them to sharp, knife-edged ridges or arêtes.
  11. An amphitheater-shaped depression at the head of a glacial valley, excavated mainly by ice plucking and frost wedging.
  12. A cirque is a steep-walled, gentle-floored, semicircular topographic hollow created by glacial excavation high in mountainous areas. Source: Katie KellerLynn
  13. a group of mountains that forms a circle.
  14. A steep-walled mountain basin which usually forms the blunt end of a valley. (French for "circus.")
  15. a bowl-shaped hollow (like an amphitheater), at the upper end of a mountain valley, esp. one an the head of a glacier or stream.  Also called a cwm (Wales), a coomb (England), a corrie (Scotland and Ireland)
  16. Landform. The steep-sided head of a valley. The upper edges have the steepest slopes and the base may be flat; usually associated with glacial erosion. The heads of many steep canyons have a similar form
  17. (surk) A circular enclosure. Poetical: A circlet; ring. (111)
  18. A steep-walled, semicircular or crescent-shaped, halfbowl-like recess or hollow, commonly situated at the head of a glaciated mountain valley or high on the side of a mountain. It was produced by the erosive activity of a mountain glacier. It commonly contains a small round lake (tarn).
  19. A hollowed-out area high on a mountain valley; typically a place where glacial snow accumulates.
  20. Ruslan Salei. An obvious play on Cirque du Soleil, and genius. All credit to commenter Amer.
  21. a large depression in a mountain side, usually with a steep back wall and often with a tarn in the bottom
  22. armchair-shaped hollow with steep sides and backwall due to glacial erosion high on a mountainside; flat basin containing often a lake (tarn);
  23. a glacially eroded basin shaped like half a bowl; a deep, steep-walled recess in a mountain, caused by glacial erosion.
  24. A bowl shape or amphitheater sculpted out of the mountain.
  25. The steep walled bowl carved by glacial action at the head of a side canyon.