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circumstantially 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. according to circumstances; "he was convicted circumstantially"
  2. minutely: in minute detail; "our inability to see everything minutely and clearly is due merely to the infirmity of our senses"
  3. by chance: without advance planning; "they met accidentally"
  4. Circumstantiality is a disturbed pattern of speech or writing. In circumstantiality, unnecessary details and irrelevant remarks cause a delay in getting to the point.
  5. (circumstantial) Something incidental to the main subject, but of less importance; opposed to an essential; -- generally in the plural; as, the circumstantials of religion; Pertaining to or dependent on circumstances, especially as opposed to essentials; incidental, not essential; Abounding with ...
  6. (Circumstantiality) Speech that is very delayed at reaching its goal. Excessive long windedness. e.g. "What is your name? ...