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circumscription 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. the act of circumscribing
  2. Circumscription is a non-monotonic logic created by John McCarthy to formalize the common sense assumption that things are as expected unless otherwise specified. Circumscription was later used by McCarthy in an attempt to solve the frame problem. ...
  3. In taxonomy, circumscription is the definition of the limits of a taxonomic group of organisms. One goal of taxonomy is to achieve a stable circumscription for every taxonomic group. Achieving stability can range from simple or difficult.
  4. A method of nonmonotonic reasoning involving minimizing predicates (and sometimes domains). It was introduced in [McC77], [McC80] and [McC86]. An up-to-date discussion, including numerous variants, is [Lif94].
  5. The process or act of being enclosed by either environmental boundaries, such as mountains, oceans, and rivers, or social boundaries, such as neighboring groups of people.
  6. a form of non-monotonic reasoning based on making explicit the assumption that the explicitly provided information is the only important information about a situation, and that is safe to assume that unmentioned things may be assumed to be as usual.
  7. How do you define the different categories? How do you set up a category so that it includes only what you want it to? Look at the following example in which a new condition is added at each step: