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circumflex 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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circumflexes, plural;
  1. Bending around something else; curved
    • - circumflex coronary arteries
  1. A mark (^) placed over a vowel in some languages to indicate contraction, length, or pitch or tone

  1. a diacritical mark (^) placed above a vowel in some languages to indicate a special phonetic quality
  2. The circumflex (ˆ) is a diacritic used in the written forms of many languages, and is also commonly used in various romanization and transcription schemes. It received its English name from Latin circumflexus (bent around)—a translation of the Greek περισπωμένη (perispōménē). ...
  3. A diacritical mark ( resembling ^ ) placed over a vowel in certain languages to change its pronunciation; also used in combination with certain consonants in Esperanto to create additional letters; Having this mark; Curving around
  4. The character (^) entered in certain segments of numeric and derived searches in WorldCat to make searches more precise. Also known as a caret.
  5. verb and adjective, Latin circum = around, and flexere = to bend, hence, bend or bent around.
  6. (Fr.) an accent mark (^) which shows the place mark of a missing letter, such as impôt which was formerly impost. This mark should not be confused for a diaeresis which uses the same symbol, but denotes a chang in pronunciation, such as vôtre versus votre.
  7. h9 perispwme/nh, -hj