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circumambulating 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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circumambulated, past participle; circumambulates, 3rd person singular present; circumambulating, present participle; circumambulated, past tense;
  1. Walk all the way around (something)
    • - they used to circumambulate the perimeter wall

  1. (circumambulate) walk around something
  2. Circumambulation (Arabic: tawaf (طواف); Sanskrit: pradakshina; Tibetan: skor ba) is the act of moving around a sacred object.
  3. (circumambulation) A form of progression known as primary directions. See "ascensional times".
  4. (circumambulation) skor ba. An act of veneration that consists of walking clockwise, concentratedly and with awareness, around a sacred object, e.g., a temple, stupa, or holy mountain, or the residence, and even the person, of a spiritual master.
  5. (Circumambulation) A term used to describe the interpretation of an image by reflecting on it from different points of view. Circumambulation differs from free association in that it is circular, not linear. ...
  6. (Circumambulation) Ceremonially surrounding a person or an object for the purpose of protection.
  7. (Circumambulation) Meaning to go around. In a Hindu temple it refers to the practice of walking around the temple’s main sanctum a few times on a designated path. It is done before entering the temple’s sanctum for worship. ...
  8. (Circumambulation) Religious practice consisting of walking around a sacred place as a sign of veneration and piety. Islamic circumambulation is practiced around the Ka'ba in Mekka, the Rock of Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, and in many mausoleums and shrine where the sages of Islam are revered. .
  9. (Circumambulation) That ceremony in which initiates walk completely around the Altar in imitation of sun and fire worshippers who thus encircled early stone altars with fire upon them. Masonic circumambulation is East to West by way of South, or clockwise. ...