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circulars 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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circulars, plural;
  1. A letter or advertisement that is distributed to a large number of people

  1. These are issued by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) to LAs and give guidance on how the Education Act should be interpreted. Although circulars are not law many include decisions made by the Secretary of State under delegated powers.
  2. These are needles that have two needle tips that look just like a normal needle, but are connected with a cable. These are used to knit in the round, though they can be used for flat knitting as well (which I frequently do).
  3. Statements of Government policy, often supplying guidance or background information on legislative or procedural matters which may prove to be a material consideration in the determination of a planning application if relevant to the decision.
  4. A printed advertisement or offer
  5. These are formal expressions of Government policy on selected subjects. Although advisory a Council will need strong justifiable grounds to ignore them. Circulars also need to be read in conjunction with Regulations, Development Control Policy Notes and Planning Policy Guidance Notes.