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circled 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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circles, 3rd person singular present; circled, past participle; circled, past tense; circling, present participle;
  1. Move all the way around (someone or something), esp. more than once
    • - the two dogs circle each other with hackles raised
    • - we circled around the island
  2. (from the air) Move in a ring-shaped path above (someone or something), esp. more than once
    • - they were circling the airport
    • - a circling helicopter
  3. Move in a wide loop back toward one's starting point

  4. Form a ring around
    • - the monastery was circled by a huge wall
  5. Draw a line around
    • - circle the correct answers

  1. (Circling) Circular streaks left on the carpet after a rotary shampooing because of improper technique.
  2. (Circling) Like weaving, this is a repetitive movement, only the horse circles compulsively in its stall rather than just rocking back and forth. This habit can also lead to weight loss and lameness.
  3. (Circling) The act of a Racing Homer flying in a circular pattern around its loft.  Can apply to either loft exercises or after returning from a toss or race.  eg. "My bird arrived early off the race but it was "circling" for fifteen minutes before it came down and trapped."
  4. When a game is circled, the maximum bet on that game is lower than normal. The circling generally is due to uncertainty of some sort, perhaps the weather or an injury to a key player.
  5. A game where the bookmaker limits the betting activity.
  6. A transaction is said to be hard circled when all issues are resolved and participants are committed. Verbal agreement may constitute a soft circle.
  7. An event is “circled” when a handicapper limits the betting amounts on that event due to erratic circumstances and/or aberrations, such as snowstorms in football, or an unknown injury status of a star player.
  8. A game that is being played a team or teams with important injuries, suspensions or is being played in inclement weather.