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circadian 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of biological processes) Recurring naturally on a twenty-four-hour cycle, even in the absence of light fluctuations,
  1. (of biological processes) Recurring naturally on a twenty-four-hour cycle, even in the absence of light fluctuations
    • - a circadian rhythm

  1. of or relating to biological processes occurring at 24-hour intervals; "circadian rhythms"
  2. A circadian rhythm is a roughly 24-hour cycle in the biochemical, physiological, or behavioural processes of living entities, including plants, animals, fungi and cyanobacteria (see bacterial circadian rhythms). ...
  3. of, relating to, or showing rhythmic behaviour with a period of 24 hours; especially of a biological process
  4. a cycle that lasts about 24 hours.
  5. Circadian is a rhythm or repeated pattern of biological functions, occurring in a 24-hour periodic cycle (e.g., sleeping, eating, etc.).
  6. A term derived from the Latin words circa and dies, meaning “about a day.” An internal circadian pacemaker in the hypothalamus of the brain organizes our physiology and behavior over a 24-hour period, including the sleep/wake cycle.
  7. a term introduced in the 1950s, meaning of approximately 24-hour duration, which comes from the Latin circa (about) and dies (day)
  8. Of or relating to an approximate 24-hour rhythm.
  9. Of physiological activity, etc.: occurring or recurring about once a day. cf diurnal.
  10. refers to a 24 hour period. A "circadian cycle" would be a 24 hour period and a "circadian rhythm" would refer to the rhythm of activity of a specific mammal.
  11. A biological rhythm that happens about once a day.
  12. Latin “circa diem” meaning about a day, describes biological rhythms with a period of approximately 24 hours that are sustained in constant conditions - independent of exogenous cues.
  13. (Used in both the early epoch metric-10 system of measures, and late epoch metric-60) A measure of subjective time in the Virtual equal to one twenty-four hour day of experience. Actual time passed is generally different (usually much shorter).
  14. Rhythms: Many physiological processes in the body exhibit regular rhythmic fluctuations, and they occur whether one is asleep or is kept awake. These rhythms are controlled not by reactions to the external environment but internally. ...
  15. exhibiting a periodicity of 24 hours.
  16. A cyclic biological period of 24 hours
  17. Pertaining to rhythmic biological cycles that recur at approximately 24-hour intervals; "circa" = about, "dian" = day.