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cinquefoils 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cinquefoils, plural;
  1. A widely distributed herbaceous plant of the rose family, with compound leaves of five leaflets and five-petaled yellow flowers

  2. An ornamental design of five lobes arranged in a circle, e.g., in architectural tracery or heraldry

  1. (cinquefoil) any of a numerous plants grown for their five-petaled flowers; abundant in temperate regions; alleged to have medicinal properties
  2. (cinquefoil) an ornamental carving consisting of five arcs arranged in a circle
  3. Potentilla is the genus of typical cinquefoils, containing about 500 species of annual, biennial and perennial herbs in the rose family Rosaceae. They are generally Holarctic in distribution, though some may even be found in montane biomes of the New Guinea Highlands. ...
  4. (cinquefoil) a five-petalled flower
  5. (CINQUEFOIL) a charge in heraldry, consisting of five leaves.
  6. (cinquefoil) with five foils or cusps.
  7. (CINQUEFOIL (CINQFOIL or CINQUE-FOYLE)) The heraldic term for a charge in the form of a stylized flower having five leaves and often pierced in the centre – a quinterfoil or quintefeuille.
  8. (CINQUEFOIL) a garland having five loops.
  9. (Cinquefoil) A figure composed of five leaf-like parts.
  10. (Cinquefoil) It is an ornamental decoration in the form of a flower with five symmetrical petals.
  11. (Cinquefoil) Term refers to a any five petaled design.
  12. A Cinquefoil is a five-lobed leaf-shape. It often appears pierced. Some fairly common variants are a Trefoil, (three-leaves) and a quatrefoil, (four leaves)