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cinque 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cinques, plural; cinqs, plural;
  1. The five on dice

  1. five: the cardinal number that is the sum of four and one
  2. Sengbe Pieh (ca. 1811 - ca. 1879), later known as Joseph Cinqué, was a West African man of the Mende people and was the most prominent defendant in the Amistad case, in which it was found that he and 51 others had been victims of the illegal Atlantic slave trade.
  3. Cinquecento ('five hundred'; short for millecinquecento '1500') is a term used to describe the Italian Renaissance of the 16th century, including the current styles of art, music, literature, and architecture.
  4. (Cinques) Change ringing is the art of ringing a set of tuned bells in a series of mathematical patterns called "changes". It differs from many other forms of campanology (such as carillon ringing) in that no attempt is made to produce a conventional melody.
  5. The number five as seen on a die or on a card
  6. (Cinques) A method on eleven bells (possibly with a twelfth covering).
  7. Italian word for "five."