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cinch 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cinches, plural;
  1. Secure (a garment) with a belt

  2. Fix (a saddle) securely by means of a girth; girth up (a horse)

  3. Make certain of
    • - his advice cinched her decision to accept the offer
  1. An extremely easy task
    • - the program was a cinch to use
  2. A sure thing; a certainty
    • - he was a cinch to take a prize
  3. A girth for a Western saddle or pack

  1. any undertaking that is easy to do; "marketing this product will be no picnic"
  2. tie a cinch around; "cinch horses"
  3. make sure of
  4. stable gear consisting of a band around a horse's belly that holds the saddle in place
  5. a form of all fours in which the players bid for the privilege of naming trumps
  6. get a grip on; get mastery of
  7. The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County (PLCH) is among the largest and busiest public library systems in the world. In addition to its Main Library location in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, PLCH operates 41 regional and branch locations throughout Hamilton County.
  8. Cinch, also known as Double Pedro or High Five, is an American trick-taking card game derived from Pitch via Pedro.. Developed in Denver, Colorado in the 1880s, it was soon regarded as the most important member of the All Fours family but went out of fashion with the rise of Auction Bridge.. ...
  9. A simple saddle girth used in Mexico; Something that is very easy to do; A firm hold; To bring to certain conclusion; To tighten down
  10. (Cinched) A cluster of material tightly bound together.
  11. (Cinching (girthing)) The method of securing the saddle to the horse. Rather than buckling on as does the English girth, the Western girth, known as a cinch, is anchored with a flat strap of leather or nylon called a latigo that may be secured with a flat knot, or via holes added so that a ...
  12. (Cinching) The wrinkling, or folding over, of tape on itself in a loose tape pack. Normally occurs when a loose tape pack is stopped suddenly, causing outer tape layers to slip past inner layers, which in turn causes a buckling of tape in the region of slip. ...
  13. (cinching) Slippage between the tape layers due to loose packing. Also known as windowing.
  14. a leather or fabric band (or girth) that holds the saddle on the horse's back by being tightened around its body just behind the front legs. Usually it is fastened to leather straps (latigos) that hang from the rigging on each side of the saddle.
  15. Means by which a Western saddle is secured to the horse, which attaches to the saddle on one side, running under the barrel just behind the legs to the other side. Called a girth in English Riding.
  16. Stands for Community INformation CHristchurch - our database of local clubs, community organisations and courses. Search CINCH.
  17. adj.  A sure, or nearly sure win. A cinch hand.  Similar: a lock.
  18. The best possible hand, given the cards on board, when all the cards are out.
  19. n.; strap that goes under a horse to secure the saddle.
  20. A wide flat girth made of mohair, reinforced felt, or an equivalent synthetic material used in conjunction with a latigo strap to secure a western saddle on the back of a horse.^
  21. Some jeans feature a buckle at the back to tighten the jeans, originally it was designed before belt loops but today has become more a design feature.
  22. something easy to do