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churchyard 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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churchyards, plural;
  1. An enclosed area surrounding a church, esp. as used for burials

  1. the yard associated with a church
  2. A churchyard is a patch of land adjoining or surrounding a church which is usually owned by the relevant church or local parish itself. In the Scots language or Northern English language this can also be known as a kirkyard or kirkyaird.
  3. (in  Thomas Churchyard (English writer))
  4. To dream of walking in a churchyard, if in winter, denotes that you are to have a long and bitter struggle with poverty, and you will reside far from the home of your childhood, and friends will be separated from you; but if you see the signs of springtime, you will walk up in into pleasant ...
  5. It is not difficult to understand how the churchyard has come to be regarded as the special haunt of ghosts. The popular imagination may well be excused for supposing that the spirits of the dead continue to hover over the spot where their bodies are laid. ...
  6. An attribute of Alan Churchard