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churches 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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churches, plural;
  1. Take (a woman who has recently given birth) to church for a service of thanksgiving

  1. A building used for public Christian worship
    • - they came to church with me
  2. A particular Christian organization, typically one with its own clergy, buildings, and distinctive doctrines
    • - the Church of England
  3. The hierarchy of clergy of such an organization, esp. the Roman Catholic Church or the Church of England

  4. Institutionalized religion as a political or social force
    • - the separation of church and state
  5. The body of all Christians

  1. (church) perform a special church rite or service for; "church a woman after childbirth"
  2. (church) one of the groups of Christians who have their own beliefs and forms of worship
  3. (church) a place for public (especially Christian) worship; "the church was empty"
  4. (church) the body of people who attend or belong to a particular local church; "our church is hosting a picnic next week"
  5. (A. Church) Alonzo Church (June 14, 1903 – August 11, 1995) was an American mathematician and logician who made major contributions to mathematical logic and the foundations of theoretical computer science. ...
  6. (Church (building)) A church building is a building or structure whose primary purpose is to facilitate the meeting of a church. Originally, Jewish Christians met in synagogues, such as the Cenacle, and in one another's homes. ...
  7. (Church (Christianity)) Christian Church and church (Greek kyriakon (κυριακόν), "thing belonging to the Lord"; also ekklesia (ἐκκλησία) (Latinized as ecclesia, "assembly") are used to denote both a Christian association of people and a place of worship. ...
  8. (Church (Kent cricketer)) Church (dates unknown) was an English amateur cricketer who made 3 known appearances in major cricket matches from 1789 to 1795.
  9. (Church (Metro Rail)) Church is a Buffalo Metro Rail station that serves downtown Buffalo, New York, near Church and Pearl Streets.
  10. (Church (Red vs. Blue)) This is a list of characters in the machinima series Red vs. Blue.
  11. (church) A Christian house of worship; a building where religious services take place; A Christian religious organization, local or general; A group of people who follow the same Christian religious beliefs, local or general; A time of public worship; a worship service; To conduct a religious ...
  12. (Church) To dream of seeing a church in the distance, denotes disappointment in pleasures long anticipated. To enter one wrapt in gloom, you will participate in a funeral. Dull prospects of better times are portended.
  13. (Church) generally this refers to a scheduled club meeting. Discuss 'business'.
  14. (Church) The collective body of saved people who do God's work on earth. The Body of Christ.
  15. (church) building used for religious worship (chapel, mosque, synagogue, tabernacle, temple).
  16. (church) A local group of believers or the whole body of believers.
  17. (Church) The word is used in two senses: the visible and the invisible church. The visible church consists of all the people that claim to be Christians and go to church. The invisible church is the actual body of Christians; those who are truly saved. ...
  18. (church) a building used for Christian worship, also the congregation as a group
  19. (The Church) the Holy Apostolic Catholic Church: body of believers and ordained clergy, interpreted as the 'bride of Christ'; the sole path to salvation, the decisions of which are guided by the Holy Spirit.
  20. (CHURCH(ES)) The called out class or classes of professed followers of Christ. The seven Asian cities designate the period of its existence (Rev. 1:11). There were seven periods in the one church s experience corresponding to these seven cities.
  21. (CHURCH) A sign of increasing wealth and comfort; you will gain much success in your life.
  22. (CHURCH) An institution composed of members sharing some common religious and ethical views and joining them together in religious celebration and social activities. ...
  23. (CHURCH) In a moral or spiritual sense this word signifies a society of persons who profess the Christian religion; and in a physical or material sense, the place where such. persons assemble. The term church is nomen collectivum; it comprehends the chancel, aisles, and body of the churcb. Ham. ...
  24. (CHURCH) This term has two basic meanings: its most universal meaning is that of the Community of the Believers in Jesus, which finds its fullness in the Catholic Communion. ...
  25. (CHURCH) Your religious beliefs or feeling about organized religion / Dogmatic thinking