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chumminess 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. the quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability
  2. (chummy) (used colloquially) having the relationship of friends or pals
  3. (chummy) (used informally) associated on close terms; "a close friend"; "the bartender was chummy with the regular customers"; "the two were thick as thieves for months"
  4. Chummy is a given name, and may refer to: * Chummy Broomhall (born 1919), American cross country skier * Chummy Fleming (1863-1950), pioneer unionist * Chummy MacGregor (20th century), American jazz keyboardist
  5. the state of being chummy
  6. (chummy) friendly, familiar, or on intimate terms
  7. (Chummy) Generic slang for an object which has no official nautical name