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chukka 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. chukker: (polo) one of six divisions into which a polo match is divided
  2. a shoe that comes up to the ankle and is laced through two or three pairs of eyelets; often made of suede
  3. lace-up ankle boot, usually with two or three eyelets
  4. A short 5 or 5.5” tall shoe that usually has three or four eyelets.  This can be plain or mocc toe.
  5. each of the periods into which a game of polo is divided [Sanskrit, 'circle' or 'wheel' [also; a kind of high shoe, resembling a polo boot]
  6. a period of play lasting 7 minutes, at the end of which a bell is rung, play continues for a further 30 seconds, unless the ball has gone out of play. The second bell is rung at the end of 30 seconds and the game must stop where the ball is then. ...
  7. Ankle-high boot with two eyelets; suede osmooth lather, rubber or leather soles.
  8. Polo match is divided into segments (chukkas). In Europe, four chukkas are being completed usually; while in USA and Latin America, they generally play 6 to 8 chukkas. Each chukka lasts for 7 minutes of net game time – any interruptions are not included. ...