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chuckles 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chuckled, past participle; chuckles, 3rd person singular present; chuckling, present participle; chuckled, past tense;
  1. Laugh quietly or inwardly
    • - I chuckled at the astonishment on her face
    • - “That's a bit strong, isn't it?” he chuckled
  1. A quiet or suppressed laugh

  1. Chuckles is a confectionery produced by Farley's & Sathers Candy Company, Inc. Chuckles are jelly candies coated with a light layer of sugar. They come in five flavors: cherry, lemon, lime, orange, and Licorice. Each package of Chuckles contains one piece of each flavor. ...
  2. Chuckles is a fictional character from the toyline, comic books and cartoon series of the 1980s. He is the G.I. Joe team's undercover specialist and debuted in 1987.
  3. A man who has been a big as a help to The Avatar as well as an extreme annoyance. Chuckles is Lord British's court jester. He is quite smart for a bumble, and has been known to help The Avatar on several occasions.
  4. is a fish who is only seen dead in a photograph with Darla. According to dialogue in the film, Chuckles was once a member of the Tank Gang until Dr. Sherman gave him to Darla as a present for her seventh birthday. ...
  5. "Fun stuff" including toys and games; wheelchair, stroller, and wagon rentals.
  6. This is what Q calls Chakotay. (The Q and the Grey)