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chrysolite 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chrysolites, plural;
  1. A yellowish-green or brownish variety of olivine, used as a gemstone

  1. a brown or yellow-green olivine found in igneous and metamorphic rocks and used as a gemstone
  2. Originally, any of various green-coloured gems; later specifically olivine
  3. [Rev.21:20] a gem stone w/prevelant color some shade of green.
  4. an olive-green, translucent mineral, called peridot when used as a semiprecious stone
  5. is a synonym of Olivine (i.e. contains half Forsterite and half Fayalite and may also refer to any Olivine that is yellow-green in color. The name is incorrectly used in describing two minerals: Chrysotile and sometimes in the gem trade to describe yellow, transparent Chrysoberyl.
  6. A stone preventive of fever and madness, which also disposes to repentance. If set in gold, it is a preservative against nocturnal terrors.
  7. (146) topaz; a gemstone.