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chromophore 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chromophores, plural;
  1. An atom or group whose presence is responsible for the color of a compound

  1. the chemical group that gives color to a molecule
  2. A chromophore is the part of a molecule responsible for its color. The color arises when a molecule absorbs certain wavelengths of visible light and transmits or reflects others. ...
  3. that part of the molecule of a dye responsible for its colour; (more generally) the group of atoms in a molecule in which the electronic transition responsible for a given spectral band is located
  4. (CHROMOPHORES) Chromophore literally means, “Color lover” (L. chromo = color; L. Phore = to seek out, to have an affinity for, to love). Chromophores are generally pigmented molecules that accept photons within living tissue. ...
  5. A naturally occurring pigment that selectively absorbs light at certain wavelengths. In tissue, it can be used to aid in targeting a laser surgery beam. See also Raman Spectroscopy.
  6. The light absorbing part of a photopigment. The photopigments contained in photoreceptors consist of two components: an opsin bound to a chromophore. The chromophore in human (and all mammalian) photopigments is retinal (a form of vitamin A). ...
  7. a portion of a molecule, usually with delocalized electrons, that absorbs and/or emits light in the visible range. This is the center associated with the color of a dye.
  8. A molecule capable of absorbing light, mainly in the visible or UV range.
  9. an atom, ion or molecule that absorbs radiation. May refer to a particular part or functional group of a molecule (for example, the carbonyl group or halogen atom).
  10. Any group of atoms that absorbs light whether or not a color is thereby produced.
  11. part of the molecule that yields characteristic colors
  12. a color-producing chemical substance.
  13. A naturally occurring or synthetic pigment with characteristic optical absorption, usually containing a combination of alternating single and double bonds or a high degree of cyclic aromatic or heterocyclic conjugation. ...
  14. A chemical group capable of selective light absorption resulting in the coloration of certain organic compounds.