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chortle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chortled, past participle; chortles, 3rd person singular present; chortling, present participle; chortled, past tense;
  1. Laugh in a breathy, gleeful way; chuckle
    • - he chortled at his own pun
  1. A breathy, gleeful laugh
    • - Thomas gave a chortle

  1. a soft partly suppressed laugh
  2. chuckle: laugh quietly or with restraint
  3. Laughter is an audible expression of happiness, or an inward feeling of joy. It may ensue from jokes, tickling or other stimuli. It is in most cases a very pleasant sensation.
  4. A joyful, somewhat muffled laugh, rather like a snorting chuckle; To laugh with a chortle or chortles
  5. to chuckle gleefully (lewis carrol) sesameSt..