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choroid 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Resembling the chorion, particularly in containing many blood vessels,
  1. Resembling the chorion, particularly in containing many blood vessels

  1. The pigmented vascular layer of the eyeball between the retina and the sclera

  1. a highly vascular membrane in the eye between the retina and the sclera; a dark pigmentation minimizes the scattering of light inside the eye
  2. Layer of blood vessels and pigments (usually brown or blue) that lies beneath the sclera (the white of the eye). Often mistakenly called the iris.
  3. The layer filled with blood vessels that nourish the retina.
  4. adjective, Greek chorion = skin and eidos = shape or form, hence, like a membrane.
  5. A thin, pigmented inner layer of the vertebrate eye.
  6. Highly vascular tissue layer lying under the retina, merging at the angle of the anterior chamber with the ciliary body and the iris.
  7. The vascular coat of the eye which supplies the photoreceptors (the visual cells) with oxygen and nutrients.
  8. A vascular and deeply pigmented tissue lining, which is sandwiched between the retina and the sclera. The choroid is shaped like a semi-circular cup or bowl.
  9. Provides major part of nutrients to the retina through blood vessels. Part of the uvea.
  10. The vascular layer beneath the retina.
  11. Choroideremia · Choroiditis (Chorioretinitis)