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choreic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. canine chorea: chorea in dogs
  2. (chorea) any of several degenerative nervous disorders characterized by spasmodic movements of the body and limbs
  3. (Chorea (dance)) Choreia (χορεία) is a circle dance (χορός σε κύκλο) accompanied by singing (see Greek chorus, choros), in ancient Greece. Homer refers to this dance in his epic poem, the Iliad.
  4. (Chorea (disease)) Choreia (or chorea) is an abnormal involuntary movement disorder, one of a group of neurological disorders called dyskinesias. ...
  5. (Chorea) Irregular, spasmodic, involuntary movements of the limbs or facial muscles, often accompanied by hypotonia (decreased tone of skeletal muscles).
  6. (Chorea) disease characterized by convulsions and contortions
  7. (chorea) rapid, jerky, dance-like movement of the body.
  8. (Chorea) A type of dyskinesia characterized by rapid dance-like movements.
  9. Chorea is a jerky, rapid and irregular movement of the face, arms, or legs. People with chorea cannot control these movements. Choreic movements can be relatively simple or highly complex in nature. ...
  10. (Chorea) Basal ganglion disease characterized by rapid, complex, jerky movements that are involuntary.
  11. (chorea) Jerky, involuntary movements of the face or extremities associated with damage to the basal ganglia.
  12. (Chorea) marked by incoordination involuntary, jerky movements, especially of the arms, legs, and face.
  13. (Chorea) (St. Vitus' Dance) - nervous disorder
  14. (Chorea) A damaged nervous system causing uncontrollable twitching of various muscles, fits, and paralysis.
  15. (Chorea) A nervous jerking caused by involuntary contractions of the muscles (may be caused by distemper or hepatitis).
  16. (Chorea) Involuntary abrupt, rapid, brief, and unsustained irregular movement and is sometimes described as "dance-like." Chorea occurs in 5% of people with cerebral palsy.
  17. (Chorea) Nervous disorder marked by muscular twitching of arms, legs and face.
  18. (Chorea) The involentary and uncontrollable dance like movements that patients experience as a result of Parkinson’s disease.
  19. (Chorea) USE Nervous system diseases
  20. (Chorea) widespread arrhythmic movements of a forcible, rapid, jerky, restless type; movements are irregular and variable, but continuous. They may be simple or quite elaborate, and affect any part of body. Can be caused by damage to caudate nucleus.
  21. (chorea) Greek word for "dance." Chorea refers to an uncontrollable dance-like motion of twisting and turning that affects many persons with HD.