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chopper 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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choppers, plural;
  1. A person, tool, or machine that chops

  2. A butcher's cleaver

  3. A device for regularly interrupting an electric current or a beam of light or particles

  4. Teeth

  5. A helicopter

  6. A motorcycle, esp. one with high handlebars and the front-wheel fork extended forward

  7. A batted ball that makes a high bounce after hitting the ground in fair territory
    • - Bell followed with a high chopper to the third baseman

  1. chop: a grounder that bounces high in the air
  2. informal terms for a human `tooth'
  3. helicopter: an aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades
  4. cleaver: a butcher's knife having a large square blade
  5. Archaeologists define a chopper as a pebble tool with an irregular cutting edge formed through the removal of flakes from one side of a stone.
  6. A chopper circuit is used to refer to numerous types of electronic switching devices and circuits. The term has become somewhat ill-defined, and as a result is much less used nowadays than it was perhaps 30 or more years ago.
  7. Chopper is a 2000 Australian film, written and directed by New Zealand film-maker Andrew Dominik and based on the semi-autobiographical books by Mark Brandon "Chopper" Read. The film stars Eric Bana as the title character, and co-stars Vince Colosimo, Simon Lyndon, Bill Young and David Field.
  8. Chopper (a.k.a. Marlon Shakespeare) is a fictional character in British comics 2000 AD and the Judge Dredd Megazine. ...
  9. A chopper is a type of motorcycle that was either modified from an original motorcycle design ("chopped") or built from scratch to have an authentic appearance. The main features of a chopper that make it stand out are its longer frame design accompanied by a stretch front end (or rake). ...
  10. A Chopper is a propeller design especially used for fast boats or boat racing. It can cope with breaking through the water surface without losing its thrust. This provides the facility to mount the motor higher, which commonly increases speed. ...
  11. A tool for chopping wood; an axe/ax; A knife for chopping food; A helicopter; The penis; A type of road motorcycle, especially as used by biker / bikie gangs; To travel or transport by helicopter
  12. (Choppers) Apparel sells a large selection of new and old Orange County Choppers apparel from the number 1 hit tv show american chopper from the discovery channel, you can find orange county choppers t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, jackets and more.
  13. (Choppers) Highly customized motorcycles based on a cruiser-style frame with long rake (longer front forks) and wild paint jobs. These are created more for show than dependability and ease of ride.
  14. A style of play where chopping is the primary shot.
  15. 1960's and 70's era custom bikes. Noted for extended and raked forks, tweaking done to the suspension and the introduction of thinner Japanese wheels for the front end.
  16. Pan troglodytes or common chimpanzee; belongs to the family Pongidae, superfamily Hominoidea.
  17. an axe-like tool, generally fashioned from a cobble or large pebble, and usually worked only on one face.
  18. a natural pebble with a crude, steep cutting edge formed by unifacial percussion flaking.
  19. a large cylindrical drum (which may be partially filled with water) with cutting blades mounted parallel to its axis. A tractor or skidder pulls it across a logging site to break up slash and crush shrubby vegetation.
  20. term for a customized motorcycle that has taken various forms through the years. Originally, anything unnecessary was "chopped" off and then custom features were added. The most notable feature of a Chopper is its extended fork system.
  21. A companion is choppery when he is surly and unapproachable and therefore looks hatchet. faced: hence having a chopper on.
  22. any model of helicopter, usually US model Iroquois UH1D troop lift and utility helicopter flown by Allied forces Army aviation or Air Force units
  23. A style of motorcycle that appears deceptively light, has a greater angle on the front end than usually seen, and radical styling. The word originates from the post WW2 era when former GIs were looking for performance gains and there was no aftermarket back then. ...
  24. A unifacially worked early stone tool.
  25. A motorcycle that has an extended front end with a greater angle than standard bikes. The term originates from the fact that early riders would cut away, or chop, unnecessary portions of the bike and frame to reduce weight. The raked front end makes for a motorcycle that is stable but not agile. ...