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chomping 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chomping, present participle; chomped, past tense; chomps, 3rd person singular present; chomped, past participle;
  1. Munch or chew vigorously and noisily
    • - he chomped on his sandwich
  2. (of a horse) Make a noisy biting or chewing action

  3. Fret impatiently
    • - he waited, chomping at her nonappearance

  1. the act of chewing noisily
  2. (chomp) bite: the act of gripping or chewing off with the teeth and jaws
  3. (chomp) chew noisily; "The boy chomped his sandwich"
  4. Chomp is a 2-player game played on a rectangular "chocolate bar" made up of smaller square blocks (rectangular cells). The players take it in turns to choose one block and "eat it" (remove from the board), together with those that are below it and to its right. ...
  5. (Chomp (chocolate bar)) Cadbury Chomp is a chocolate bar manufactured by Cadbury UK, popular in Australia and the UK.
  6. (Chomp (Mario)) This is a list of fictional characters who appear in the Mario series of video games developed by Nintendo, as well as spin-off media, such as books, comics, and animated series.
  7. (Chomp (video game)) Chomp is an arcade-style game closely patterned after Pac-Man(tm) for the Microsoft Windows environment. The game was created by Jerry J. Shekhel, Copyright (C) 1991 Neolithic Software, Inc.
  8. (Chomps) Sonic Underground (Sonic le Rebelle in French) is an animated series that follows the adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and his siblings, pink hedgehog Sonia and green-hued Manic. The series ran for forty episodes, and was canceled before the plots could be resolved.
  9. (chomp) The act of chomping (see below); To bite or munch loudly or heavily; To chew something loudly or heavily
  10. (Chomp) Do 30 damage to a character or monster.
  11. A chain chomp with a para block attached to its chain
  12. Chomps are large shark enemies from Donkey Kong Country.