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cholo 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cholos, plural;
  1. offensive. A Latin American with Indian blood; a mestizo

  2. offensive. A lower-class Mexican, esp. in an urban area

  3. offensive. A teenage boy, esp. in a Mexican-American community, who is a member of a street gang

  1. Cholo is an ethnic slur created by Hispanics (criollos) in the 16th century, and it has been applied to individuals of mixed American Indian ancestry, or other racially mixed origin. The precise usage of "cholo" has varied widely in different times and places.
  2. Cholo is a classic wireframe 3D-style computer game with nonlinear gameplay, originally released in 1986 for the BBC Micro computer but quickly ported to a number of other 8-Bit systems, such as the Sinclair Spectrum, Amstrad CPC and Commodore 64.
  3. A term that has a variety of definitions and social implications. During colonial times, it was equivalent to mestizo but has evolved to include persons of mixed or pure native American ancestry who are trying to move up the social and economic ladder by observing various Hispanic cultural norms ...
  4. Of large size. Also refers to a member of a street gang.
  5. (cho-lo) n., A Chicano, born in the U.S.  “That cholo has a fine fit, eh?”  [Etym., Chicano/Spanish]
  6. (cho-low) 1) Chicano street warrior, 2) Gang member 3) Run!
  7. Spanish reference for a boy involved in gang activity.
  8. (Latin American Spanish, USA) used to refer to people of perceived amerindian descent. It may be derogatory depending on circumstances. Peruvian president Alejandro Toledo was nicknamed "el Cholo".^[45]