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chlamydospore 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chlamydospores, plural;
  1. (in certain fungi) A thick-walled hyphal cell that functions as a spore

  1. thick-walled asexual resting spore of certain fungi and algae
  2. A Chlamydospore is the thick-walled big resting spore of several kinds of fungi. It is the life-stage which survives in unfavourable conditions, such as dry or hot seasons.
  3. an asexual spore, primarily for surviving adverse conditions, originating by modification of (a) hyphal segment(s) and possessing an inner wall usually impregnated with hydrophobic material. adj. chlamydosporic. See also thalloconidium, ustilospore.
  4. an often thick-walled, resistant mitospore, formed by many fungi. Unlike conidia, chlamydospores are often not liberated.
  5. A thick-walled, nonsexual spore; a transformed hyphal cell. (15)
  6. thick-walled somewhat resistant structure formed at end of hyphae (terminal) or in the middle of hyphae (intercalary). Also a vesicle formed by Candida albicans.
  7. Thick-walled, melanized thallic conidium that develops from an existing hyphal compartment and that functions as a resting spore.
  8. an asexual, 1-celled spore originating endogenously and singly within part of a pre-existing cell, by the contraction of the protoplast and possessing an inner secondary and often thickened hyaline or brown wall, usually impregnated with hydrophobic material.
  9. (Gr. chlamys = mantle + sporos :: seed, spore): a hyphal cell, enveloped by a thick cell wall, which eventually becomes separated from the parent hypha and behaves as a resting spore
  10. An asexual spore developing from unspecialized hyphae.
  11. An asexual one-celled spore.