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chits 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chits, plural;
  1. A young woman regarded with disapproval for her immaturity or lack of respect
    • - a mere chit of a girl

  1. (chit) a dismissive term for a girl who is immature or who lacks respect; "she was incensed that this chit of a girl should dare to make a fool of her in front of the class"; "she's a saucy chit"
  2. (chit) check: the bill in a restaurant; "he asked the waiter for the check"
  3. (Chit (board wargames)) Chits are a type of wargame counter that are generally not directly representational but used for the following purposes: * Tracking, being placed on a numeric runner to indicate turn status, as in some rule variants for Squad Leader. ...
  4. Chitry is a commune in the Yonne department in Burgundy in north-central France.
  5. Chitting is a method of preparing potatoes or other tubers for planting. The seed potatoes are placed in a tray (often in egg cartons) in a light and cool place with a little water. All but one of the "eyes" (sprouting parts) of the potato are removed, leaving the strongest growth only. ...
  6. (chit) A child or babe; a young, small, or insignificant person or animal; A pert young woman; A sassy (saucy) or forward young person; The embryonic growing bud of a plant; a shoot; a sprout; a seedling; An excrescence on the body, as a wart; To sprout; to shoot, as a seed or plant; To ...
  7. (Chit) A command issued paper giving permission for some privilege. Mids can request a chit to leave the yard when others are not allowed. They get medical chits to avoid physical activity while they are recuperating from an injury. ...
  8. (Chit) From the Hindstani word "chitti" and referring to a letter, note, voucher or receipt.   "Where is your chit for the supplies sailor?"
  9. (Chit) Consciousness, nature of self
  10. (CHIT) An infant, baby, or young lady, not yet, or just barely introduced to society.
  11. (CHIT) OR CHITA Lake of the mind wherein are stored all kinds of impressions in the form of memories, it is one of the four facets of manas: Chit, Mana, Budhi and Ahankar.
  12. (CHIT) Request for special permission
  13. (CHIT) informal vouchers, often elaborately decorated, used for promissory payment on food, drinks, and entertainment; receipts valid only within club of issue, similar to "running a tab" for later settlement. ...
  14. (CHIT) written authorization or receipt.
  15. (CHIT) written permission or excuse.  A medical chit may excuse a Plebe from morning PEP.
  16. (Chit (noun)) Type of IOU (which see) or coupon with a designated value that can be turned in toward the purchase or acquisition of some item.
  17. (Chit) A detailed form, submitted by a sailor, to request permission to do something such as ask for leave. The chit is forwarded through the chain of command as each person gives approval by signing it.
  18. (Chit) A medical form issued that can exempt Officer Cadets and Midshipmen from physical activities such as drill, PT and sport (ADFA);
  19. (Chit) A metal tag used to exchange for a key ring at secondary issue points. This tag shall not have personal keys attached to it.
  20. (Chit) A permission slip. In the Navy, Sailors must get permission to do many things - like get a tattoo or go on vacation. Recruits might need a chit to go to medical.
  21. (Chit) A small cardboard game piece. A mainstay of wargames.
  22. (Chit) One tradition carried on in the Navy is the use of the chit. It is a carry over from the days when Hindu traders used slops of paper called citthi for money, so they wouldn't have to carry heavy bags or gold and silver. ...
  23. (Chit) The all-permeating field of Pure Consciousness which never changes or dies. Chit is the unseen power of Consciousness which animates the entire universe in general as well as the senses, mind, intellect and ego of every individual in particular.
  24. (Chit) Your timesheet for your days work.
  25. (Chit) bill/ticket - the printout of an order received on each station.  A ticket will list the items ordered, the corresponding seat number, table number, the time the order was placed, and the server who placed it.  It may also list a sum total of how many of each dish to make. ...