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chinchilla 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chinchillas, plural;
  1. A small South American rodent with soft gray fur and a long bushy tail

  2. A cat or rabbit of a breed with silver-gray or gray fur

  3. The highly valued fur of the chinchilla, or of the chinchilla rabbit

  1. the expensive silvery grey fur of the chinchilla
  2. a thick twilled fabric of wool and cotton
  3. small rodent with soft pearly grey fur; native to the Andes but bred in captivity for fur
  4. Chinchillas are crepuscular rodents, slightly larger and more robust than ground squirrels, and are native to the Andes mountains in South America. Along with their relatives, viscachas, they comprise the family Chinchillidae.
  5. Chinchilla is a heavy metal band from Germany. The group was originally founded by guitarist Udo Gerstenmeyer in 1988, and released an EP entitled No Mercy in 1990. ...
  6. A small, nocturnal rodent of the genus Chinchilla, native to the Andes, prized for its very soft fur and also often kept as a pet; The fur of a chinchilla used for clothing
  7. A coat color in which most of the hair is white or pale and only the outermost tips are colored black or another color.
  8. A short, dense soft fur with lustrous slate blueguard hairs and dark underfur.
  9. A thick, spongy, weft-pile, double fabric that has a face of long floats in soft twist yarns that are teazled (or raised) to produce a long nap that is rubbed into curly nubs.
  10. A thick, heavy, pile fabric with surface curls or nubs, originally made to suggest chinchilla fur . It is often double faced. It may be woven or knit and is often used as coating.
  11. From "jinchilla", aboriginal for "cypress pine"
  12. (in  chinchilla (rodent))