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chimneys 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chimneys, plural;
  1. A vertical channel or pipe that conducts smoke and combustion gases up from a fire or furnace and typically through the roof of a building

  2. The part of such a structure that extends above the roof

  3. A glass tube that protects the flame of a lamp

  4. A steep narrow cleft by which a rock face may be climbed

  1. (chimney) a vertical flue that provides a path through which smoke from a fire is carried away through the wall or roof of a building
  2. lamp chimney: a glass flue surrounding the wick of an oil lamp
  3. Chimneys is a play by crime writer Agatha Christie and is based upon her own 1925 novel The Secret of Chimneys. The play was written in 1931 and was due to open at the Embassy Theatre in Swiss Cottage in December of that year. ...
  4. Chimney Tops is a mountain in the central Great Smoky Mountains, located in the Southeastern United States. It has an elevation of 4,800 feet (1463 m). It is one of the park's most recognizable geological structures and a popular hiking destination.
  5. A chimney is a structure for venting hot flue gases or smoke from a boiler, stove, furnace or fireplace to the outside atmosphere. ...
  6. (Chimney (climbing)) A climbing technique is any type or combination of body posture, movement or hold used in climbing.
  7. (Chimney (locomotive)) The chimney (or smokestack in North America) of a steam locomotive is a part of the exhaust system which helps in the creation of draught through the boiler and carries the exhaust steam and smoke clear of the driver's line of sight. ...
  8. (Chimney (sculpture)) Chimney is a brick sculpture which contains multiple architectural and sculptural elements, and is part of a larger, more open plaza designed for children. It is located outside the lobby atrium of the Riley Hospital for Children.
  9. (chimney) A vertical tube or hollow column used to emit environmentally polluting gaseous and solid matter (including but not limited to by-products of burning carbon or hydro-carbon based fuels); a flue; The glass flue surrounding the flame of an oil lamp; The smokestack of a steam locomotive; ...
  10. (Chimney) A vertical flue for passing smoke and gases outside a building.
  11. (Chimney) Shaft for conveying gases outside, connected to a dwelling via either the exterior or the interior.
  12. (chimney) A passage or structure extending above the roof, through which smoke escapes.
  13. (Chimney) A wide crack that accomodates (most of) the body of the climber.
  14. (Chimney) vertical masonry shaft of reinforced concrete or other approved noncombustible heat-resisting material enclosing one or more flues. The chimney removes the products of combustion from solid, liquid or gaseous fuel.
  15. (Chimney) n. a parallel sided constriction wider than body width. 2. (vb.) to climb a chimney.
  16. (Chimney) A rock cleft with vertical sides mostly parallel, large enough to fit the climber's body into. To climb such a structure, the climber often uses his head, back and feet to apply opposite pressure on the vertical walls. The process of using such a technique.
  17. (Chimney) Glass tubes of various shapes placed around the flame to protect against wind.  Today it is used for ornamentation and light diffusion.
  18. (Chimney) A vertical or nearly vertical opening in a cave, narrow enough to be climbed by chimneying.
  19. (chimney) a vertical pipe in a house that allows smoke and gases to escape from a fireplace (Father Christmas traditionally enters a house through its chimney)
  20. (Chimney) Wide, vertical crack large enough for a climber to fit inside and climb. A move done inside the chimney by using opposing force with the feet and the body.
  21. (Chimney) A crack or gully large enough to climb inside of. Also: the climbing technique used in such gullies which requires that various body parts provide force on opposing walls in order to ascend.
  22. (Chimney) An upright structure connected to a fireplace or furnace that passes smoke or gases to outside air.
  23. (chimney) A vertical structure used to draw off smoke from a fire.
  24. (CHIMNEY) A stack made from metal, brick, or concrete.
  25. (CHIMNEY) A structure made of masonry or metal, which surrounds and supports the flues that vent products of combustion from gas, oil, or solid fuel appliances or fireplaces.