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chiming 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chimed, past tense; chiming, present participle; chimed, past participle; chimes, 3rd person singular present;
  1. (of a bell or clock) Make melodious ringing sounds, typically to indicate the time

  2. (of a clock) Make such sounds in order to indicate (the time)
    • - the clock chimed eight
  3. Be in agreement; harmonize
    • - his poem chimes with our modern experience of loss

  1. (chime) a percussion instrument consisting of a set of tuned bells that are struck with a hammer; used as an orchestral instrument
  2. (chime) emit a sound; "bells and gongs chimed"
  3. (Chime (Macintosh)) The Macintosh startup behaviors characteristic to Macintosh computers include the Chimes of Death (also known as Hawaiian Death Chimes), Happy Mac, Sad Mac, and startup chime.
  4. (Chime (song)) "Chime" was the first single from the UK dance group Orbital, allegedly recorded for less than £1. It was recorded on a cassette deck and was originally released in late 1989 and had moderate success. ...
  5. (Chime (video game)) Chime is a music/puzzle video game developed by Zoë Mode for Xbox Live Arcade. The game is the first title released by the non-profit video game publisher OneBigGame. Chime was released on 3 February 2010. ...
  6. (chime) A musical instrument producing a sound when struck, similar to a bell (e.g. a tubular metal bar) or actually a bell. ...
  7. (Chime) (n.): hour. Ex., “I got in at six chimes.”
  8. (Chime) The bell-like sound made when a clock strikes on the hour, half-hour, etc. Two familiar chimes traditionally found in clocks are the Westminster chime made by the famous Big Ben in London, and the bim-bam, a two-note chime.
  9. (Chime) The expanded edge or rim of a barrel, pail, or drum.
  10. (CHIME) The rim around the opening of a paint can into which the lid is positioned.
  11. (CHIME) College of Healthcare Information Management Executives
  12. (CHIME) An audible signal, usually a beep for a watch, on the hour to mark the passage of time.
  13. (CHIME) Centre for Health Informatics in Medical Education
  14. (CHIME) Early English term was chymme bells, from chymbals, an Anglicization of the Latin cymbala. A set of bells usually numbering up to 16 (but not more than 22) and hung stationary. ...
  15. (Chime (Tom Swifty)) "It's twelve noon," Tom chimed in.
  16. (Chime) The pleasing result of a specific presence factor of a pickup in expressing a group of concordant notes particularly in the upper register on the unwound strings where the notes 'chime' together to capture that quality of a large bell.
  17. (Chime) jade chimes like a bell when struck with a chiming instrument. The finer the grain , the higher the chime. Old mine, lao pit, jadeite has very fine grain and a very high chime. Chime is one of the tests to determine quality of jadeite. Also see "stone lines" below.
  18. (Chime) means the sound a bell makes when it is struck. What’s the word?
  19. (chime) (n.) Chained vector time, approximately equal to the vector length in a DO-loop. The number of chimes required for a loop dominates the time required for execution. A new chime begins each time a resource such as a functional unit, vector register or memory path, must be reused.
  20. The chime is the area on a drum formed when the bottom flange rolls together with the body flange in the seaming process.
  21. Ringing a bell while it is down, with just a small movement causing the clapper to strike the bell on one side only.