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chieftain 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chieftains, plural;
  1. The leader of a people or clan

  2. A powerful member of an organization

  1. captain: the leader of a group of people; "a captain of industry"
  2. headman: the head of a tribe or clan
  3. A traditional tribal chief or king is the leader of a tribal society or chiefdom. Tribal societies with social stratification under a single (or dual) leader emerge in the Neolithic period out of earlier tribal structures with little stratification and they remain prevalent throughout the Iron Age.
  4. The Chieftain is a two-act comic opera by Arthur Sullivan and F. C. Burnand based on their 1867 opera, The Contrabandista. It consists of substantially the same first act as the 1867 work with a completely new second act. ...
  5. (Chieftains (Rome, Georgia)) Chieftains, also known as Major Ridge Home, is a two-story dogtrot house built in 1792 in Rome, Georgia. It was home of Cherokee Nation chief Major Ridge.
  6. (The chieftains) The Chieftains are a Grammy-winning Irish musical group founded in 1962, best known for being one of the first bands to make Irish traditional music popular around the world.
  7. A leader of a clan or tribe; A leader of a group, e.g. a robbers' chieftain; The name of a British military tank
  8. 1) in Ireland, the hereditary head have a sept or noble family, esp. one of Gaelic origin. 2) in Scotland, the head of a cadet branch have a noble family or Highland clan.
  9. chair aka FJ49A (1949)
  10. Simon Fraser, 18th Lord Lovat