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chide 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chiding, present participle; chided, past tense; chid, past tense; chidden, past participle; chides, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Scold or rebuke
    • - she chided him for not replying to her letters
    • - “You mustn't speak like that,” she chided gently

  1. call on the carpet: censure severely or angrily; "The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car"; "The deputy ragged the Prime Minister"; "The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup"
  2. (chiding) rebuking a person harshly
  3. Castigation (from the Latin castigatio), chastisement (via the French châtiment), or chiding is the infliction of severe (moral or corporal) punishment. One who administers a castigation is a castigator or chastiser.
  4. to loudly admonish in blame; to angrily reproach
  5. (chided) Simple past of chide
  6. (chiding) A scolding
  7. (v.) to voice disapproval (Hania chided Gregory for his vulgar habits and sloppy appearance.)
  8. [Ex.17:2; Judges 8:1; Ps. 103:9] contend angrily.
  9. Reprove, rebuke, compel.