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chequered 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. checked: patterned with alternating squares of color
  2. (chequer) check: mark into squares or draw squares on; draw crossed lines on
  3. (chequer) checker: one of the flat round pieces used in playing the game of checkers
  4. (chequer) checker: variegate with different colors, shades, or patterns
  5. (Chequer) Checkers (known as draughts in the United Kingdom and some other countries), also called American checkers, straight checkers, or simply draught (especially in the United States and Canada), is a form of draughts board game played on an eight by eight squared board (with sixty-four ...
  6. Alternative spelling of checkered
  7. (Chequer) An openwork arrangement of bricks forming the floor of the firing chamber. Constructed to give support for saggars etc. whilst at the same time allowing clear and even passage for gas flow.
  8. In chequer matters: Lawsuits relating to the collection of royal revenue
  9. past tense of CHECK; Bill's exam form was thoroughly chequered.