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chemotaxis 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Movement of a motile cell or organism, or part of one, in a direction corresponding to a gradient of increasing or decreasing concentration of a particular substance,
  1. Movement of a motile cell or organism, or part of one, in a direction corresponding to a gradient of increasing or decreasing concentration of a particular substance

  1. movement by a cell or organism in reaction to a chemical stimulus
  2. Chemotaxis is the phenomenon in which bodily cells, bacteria, and other single-cell or multicellular organisms direct their movements according to certain chemicals in their environment. ...
  3. Migration of cells along a concentration gradient of an attractant.
  4. movement of the neutrophils toward bacteria or an area of the tissue damage. Neutrophils must be able to move to the particular part of the body to fight off infections.
  5. when a growth cone follows chemical signals (chemo-) to move toward (-taxis) a desired target (Neuropathfinding, C. elegans + Alcohol, Chemotaxis using C. elegans)
  6. the phenomenon of movement of leukocytes caused by a chemical influence.
  7. Motion of a motile cell, organism or part towards or away from an increasing concentration of a particular substance.
  8. Orientation with respect to a chemical gradient.
  9. the migration of cells along a chemokine gradient toward its source; a response to the chemical stimulus of a chemoattractant.
  10. Directional movement (migration) of biological cells or organisms in response to concentration gradients of chemicals, whereby the cells are attracted or repelled by substances exhibiting chemical properties.
  11. attraction of leucocytes to site of injury (eg. material in cell wall of pyogenic bacteria and parts of activated complement system are chemotactic for polymorphonuclear leucocytes)