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chemoreceptor 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chemoreceptors, plural;
  1. A sensory cell or organ responsive to chemical stimuli

  1. a sensory receptor that responds to chemical stimuli
  2. (Chemoreceptors) are protein channels in cellular membrane, which become permeable for ions after interaction with the neurotransmitter. Chemotaxis is directional migration of cells in response to a gradient of a chemical stimulus.
  3. (chemoreceptors) the receptors adapted for excitation by chemical substances; for example, aortic and carotid bodies that sense reduced O2 content in the blood and automatically send signals to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to make necessary adjustments.
  4. A receptor that transmits information about the total solute concentration in a solution or about individual kinds of molecules.
  5. A sensory cell that detects waterborne or airborne scent particles.
  6. any sensory receptor selective for chemicals
  7. A sense organ modified for the reception of chemical stimuli.
  8. A neuroreceptor that is stimulated by the presence of chemical molecules.
  9. a molecular structure on the surface of a cell that is sensitive to chemical substances, such as epinephrine released by nerve cells
  10. Any cell that is activated by a change in chemical oncentration and results in a nerve impulse. The olfactory or smell receptors in the nose are an example of a chemoreceptor. (33)
  11. A sensory nerve cell or sense organ which responds to chemical stimuli; they tranduce chemical bond energy into nerve impulses (graded potentials); includes exteroreceptors for smell and taste and enteroreceptors sensitive to concentration changes of a variety of molecules in the blood or other ...