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chelators 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (Chelator) Chelation is the formation or presence of two or more separate bindings between a polydentate (multiple bonded) ligand and a single central atom. Usually these ligands are organic compounds, and are called chelants, chelators, chelating agents, or sequestering agents.
  2. (Chelator) A compound that grabs free-floating metals in test tubes, cells, or tissues
  3. (CHELATOR) A chelating agent is a water soluble molecule that can bond tightly with metal ions, keeping them from coming out of suspension and depositing their stains and scale onto pool surfaces and equipment. Similar to sequestering agents.
  4. (Chelator) A molecule that binds a metal ion to itself. This can be used to remove an ion from participation in biological processes.
  5. (Chelator) Any of a class of relatively stable coordination compounds consisting of a central metal atom attached to a large molecule, called a ligand, in a cyclic or ring structure.
  6. (Chelator) Chemical compounds that neutralize metals such as iron, copper, lead and zinc, ­which absorb into the skin after washing with tap water or are excreted from the skin during perspiration. ...
  7. (Chelator) binds the excess copper in the body and increases the excretion of copper in the urine.
  8. (chelator) A molecule used to bind a metal ion with more than one organic group to form a highly stable structure.
  9. (chelator) substance that binds particular ions, removing them from solution, e.g., EDTA is a chelator of divalent cations such as Mg^++.
  10. Synthetic organic acids that enable Iron and other trace elements to be absorbed easily by the plants.