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chelae, plural;
  1. A follower and student of a guru

  1. a Hindu disciple of a swami
  2. claw: a grasping structure on the limb of a crustacean or other arthropods
  3. The guru-shishya tradition, lineage, or parampara, denotes a succession of teachers and disciples in traditional Indian culture and Dharmic Traditions such as Sanatana Dharma, Sikha Dharma, Jaina Dharma and Buddha Dharma. ...
  4. Chela is a genus closely related to Devario.
  5. (Chelae) A claw is a curved, pointed appendage, found at the end of a toe or finger in most mammals, birds, and some reptiles. However, the word "claw" is also often used in reference to an invertebrate. ...
  6. A pincer-like claw of a crustacean or arachnid
  7. (Chelae) The pinching claw of a crustacean, including false crabs and crabs, with a moveable and an immovable finger.
  8. (Chelae) the pincerlike organ or claw terminating certain limbs of crustaceans
  9. CHEE-lah  A spiritual student. Often refers to a member of Eckankar.
  10. cela (Hindi) Archaic spelling cheta (ceta) or cheda (ceda). Servant, disciple.
  11. the attentional principle. This term is used to indicate an individual with whom a Master has begun to establish a relationship of guidance, teaching, supervision and counseling, after the individual has learned to contact the Master within. ...
  12. a beer. The standard invitation is to go drink “un par de chelas” (a couple of beers); this normally turns into eight or more and you may find yourself cheleando all night long.
  13. (CHEL-lah): (n) slang for cerveza / beer. Originally from Mexico, now in common usage among younger people in Chile.
  14. (Sans.) A disciple. The pupil of a Guru or Sage, the follower of some Adept, or a school of philosophy.
  15. A term used in India for a disciple. Specifically, a personal disciple of a guru, or spiritual teacher. When used in connection with H.P. BLAVATSKY it signified an initiated disciple, even though her Teachers often referred to her as Upasika, signifying a female disciple.
  16. (Hindi cela from Sanskrit ceta "slave" or "servant.") In India, a disciple of a religious teacher or guru . A term used generally to refer to a student of the ascended masters and their teachings.
  17. In Dryinidae, the modified tarsus in which the apical tarsomere forms a clasping structure with its opposable tarsal claw; a pincer.
  18. Beer. A Chelo, le encantan las chelas. (Consuelo loves beer).
  19. pupil, disciple.  (See Lanoo.)
  20. (CHEL-lah): Slang for beer.
  21. The claw of an arthropod.