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cheeseburgers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cheeseburgers, plural;
  1. A hamburger with a slice of cheese on it

  1. (cheeseburger) a hamburger with melted cheese on it
  2. (Cheeseburger (band)) Cheeseburger is a Brooklyn, New York based band that consists of Joe Bradley, Luke Crotty, Eric Dufresne, Christian Gordy, Christy Karacas. The band is currently signed with Kemado Records, an independent recording studio/agency. ...
  3. (Cheeseburger) Bun heel, dime size portions of mustard & ketchup (two of each), salted & peppered 1.6 ounce meat patty, small slice of American cheese, bun top.
  4. (Cheeseburger) Steamed XLNT brand tamales, with a ladle-full of chili atop them
  5. Can be used to bribe me. For other tools of bribery, please see Beer.