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cheeseburger 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cheeseburgers, plural;
  1. A hamburger with a slice of cheese on it

  1. a hamburger with melted cheese on it
  2. A cheeseburger is a hamburger with cheese added to it. Traditionally the cheese is placed on top of the patty, but the sandwich can include many variations in structure, ingredients, and composition. The term itself is a portmanteau of the words "cheese" and "hamburger. ...
  3. Cheeseburger is a Brooklyn, New York based band that consists of Joe Bradley, Luke Crotty, Eric Dufresne, Christian Gordy, Christy Karacas. The band is currently signed with Kemado Records, an independent recording studio/agency. ...
  4. A hamburger sandwich containing cheese (usually one or more slices of processed cheese)
  5. (Cheeseburgers) Can be used to bribe me. For other tools of bribery, please see Beer.
  6. Steamed XLNT brand tamales, with a ladle-full of chili atop them
  7. Bun heel, dime size portions of mustard & ketchup (two of each), salted & peppered 1.6 ounce meat patty, small slice of American cheese, bun top.
  8. Lionel Sternberger of Rite Spot Restaurant, Pasadena, lays claim to adding cheese to a hamburger steak, 1924.